This was posted on the intranet at my job, but I thought it would be a good reminder for my own organization as well.
Employee Recognition and
Reward List
a Hall of Fame wall with
photos of outstanding employees.
Encourage and recognize
staff that pursues continuing
Post a thank you note on an employee’s
and post an “Employee Honor Roll” in reception area.
Make a photo collage
about a successful project that shows the participants, stages of development
and the completion
and presentation.
Make a thank-you card by hand.
Make and deliver a fruit basket.
a favorite book as a gift.
Establish a place
to display memos, posters, photos and
so on, recognizing progress towards
goals and thanking individual employees
for their help.
10. Establish a “Behind the Scenes” award specifically for those whose actions are not usually in
the limelight.
11. Give special assignments
to people who show initiative.
12. Design a “Stress Support Kit”
that includes aspirin, a comedy CD, wind-up toys and stress ball –
or design your own.
13. At a monthly staff meeting,
award an Employee of the Month and have everyone at the meeting stand up and say why that person is
deserving of the award.
14. Serve ice cream sundaes to
all of your employees at the end
of a project.
15. Name a continuing recognition
award after an outstanding employee.
16. Purchase a unique
pin to serve as a memento for a task well done.
17. Create an “Above and Beyond the Call of Duty (ABCD)
18. Ask your boss to attend a meeting with your employees
during which you thank individuals and groups for their specific contributions.
19. Pop in at the first meeting of
a special project team and
express your appreciation
for their involvement.
20. Send a letter to all team members
at the conclusion of a
project, thanking them for their participation.
21. Give a personalized coffee cup.
22. Plan a surprise achievement
celebration for an employee
or group of employees.
23. Start
a suggestion program.
24. Give “Mr. Goodbar (candy bar) Awards.”
25. Write a letter of praise recognizing specific contributions and accomplishments. Send a copy to senior
26. When you hear a positive remark about someone, repeat it to that person as soon as
possible (face-to-face is
best, email or voice mail are
good in a pinch).
27. Call an employee to your office to thank
them (don’t discuss any other issue).
28. If you have a department newsletter, publish a “kudos”
column and ask for nominations throughout the department.
29. Publicly recognize
the positive impact
on operations of the solutions employees
devise for problems.
30. Express an interest in
employee’s career development goals.
31. Post a large “celebration calendar”
in your work area. Tack on notes of recognition
to specific dates.
32. Give a deserving employee a mug filled with treats.
33. Give a framed poem (poster or card) as a thank you.
34. Greet employees by name.
35. Practice positive nonverbal behaviors that demonstrate
36. Actively listen
to co-workers, especially when discussing
their accomplishments and contributions.
37. Use 3x5 cards to write
“You’re special because…” statements. People can collect
the cards and refer to them when things aren’t going perfectly.
38. Have a recognition event
created by a peer group that
decides what they will give and why they will give it.