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Thursday, June 2, 2011

5 Simple Ideas for Developing Fundraising Results

I'm a member of Society for Nonprofit Organizations and as a member, you get a subscription to a magazine they publish, Nonprofit World. I received the May/June 2011 issue today and though I haven't read the whole thing yet, I saw an article that caught my eye:

5 Simple Ideas for Developing Fundraising Results by Diane Hodiak

1. Ask donors what they like. Studies show that when you ask people what their mailing preferences are, they often respond by sending a charitable gift.

2. Tell donors what you need. Telling donors what you need is more than asking for a gift of a certain amount. You'll improve your results if you explain how you'll use the money (i.e. $300 will provide a writing lab at TMZ where teens can go to get help with their writing assignments)

3. Let donors know how much you need. Organizations can improve results simply by telling donors how much money they hope to raise and what time frame is necessary. (i.e. progress bar on the website or a progress chart in the lobby).

4. Show donors the behavior you want. Sleuth out stories that illustrate model philanthropy and share them with your donors. These stories will inspire people to philanthropic action as they see behavior that affirms their own values and interests.

5. Tell donors how special they are. A thank-you note or a personal call can do wonders. A variety of ways to thank your donor should be included in your development plan.

Diane Hodiak is author-trainer-counsel focusing on maximizing results for nonprofits in fundraising and marketing. See her free newsletter at Dr. Charity

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